Wednesday, August 13, 2008


You've known them for so many years. You vent to them, and they do the same to you. They're there to talk to. Well, they were. Then they turned into someone totally different. Perhaps they've become a conniving bitch, but you're scared to get out of the friendship. You're scared they'll ruin your reputation, because they've become that kind of a person.
What do you do?

Normally, I'd say what I always say - communication is key. This, however, is different. You've tried talking, you've pulled out all the stops, and still, they are either not getting the hint, or they don't want to get the hint. They're so afraid of abandonment, they don't want you to leave, even if they are making your life miserable.
The first step is to get over your fear of a ruined reputation. We all know that school can be hell, especially with people laughing at you and talking behind your back. And if you do attempt to break away from this so-called friendship by, say, ignoring the person - which is the only other out I can truly think of - then you'll have to deal with that. Your true friends should stick by you through all of this.
So ex-best-friend has ruined you. How do you survive? Simple. What does it matter what other people think, really? The only thing that matters is what you think about yourself. Your friends, your enemies, hell, even your parents; so what if they don't like something about you? What does it matter? You are who you are, and they can accept it or get bent.

Now what about this ex-best-friend of yours?

You're craving that dish everyone knows is best served cold - revenge. You want to tear everything out from under them and bury them under it, in the hole they've dug themselves, while they writhe and kick and scream underneath.
Ghandi once said - and I'm sure you're very familiar with this quote - "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." What will revenge accomplish? Sure, it may be fun to see this person squirm, but what does it accomplish for you? Or anyone else, for that matter? The best thing to do - the thing that will probably bug them most of all - is nothing. And by doing nothing, that is the ultimate "revenge," because they're just dying for you to start up more drama. And if you don't, they'll get frustrated, and theyll scream, and eventually, they'll give up.


Got questions?

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